MNAWF Profile

The logo of the Foundation is a symbolises the depiction of a human being whose arms are raised so as to hold or embrace, symbolically, the animal world, which is represented by two creatures, one which could be a bird or fish and the other a land animal.
This logo concept is “corporate”, and dynamic and represents love, caring, compassion and responsibility.
The colour of the logo is in Pantone blue. Blue conveys coolness and calmness. It is an ecological colour (sky & water). It is the colour of hope
The words “Love All Life” in a grey rectangle, underlining the name of the Foundation in Bahasa Malaysia and English in black letters..
To promote a caring Malaysian society through creating awareness and a balanced approach to animal welfare for the well being of animal and mankind.

To create awareness and instill a sense of responsibility in all Malaysians on animal welfare as part of the policy towards the creation of a caring Malaysian society.
To develop strategies and programmes to promote animal welfare through the MNAW Council (under the patronage of the Minister of Agriculture), public agencies, institutions, private bodies and organisations.
To undertake projects that will promote understanding and the practices of animal welfare as part of daily life of residents in Malaysia.
To disseminate information on animal welfare through various media to the public, schools, community centers and other target groups.
To collect and generate funds to undertake animal welfare projects.
To undertake any other activities related to animal welfare.
To establish linkages with other institutions and organisations, locally and internationally in matters associated with animal welfare.

Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan, Deputy Chairman of MNAWF

Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan, a young veterinarian

A young veterinary student, Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan checking on the livestock

Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan at his veterinary hospital practice
Datuk Dr. S. Sivagurunathan – A Visionary & Pioneering Veterinarian who champions Animal Welfare in Malaysia
For the past 40 years, Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan – nurtured and pioneered the Companion Animal veterinary industry in Malaysia. He is committed to animal welfare through his passion in animal care and well being through his veterinary practice and foundation (MNAWF – Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation) which he founded with the aim to promote a caring Malaysian society through awareness and balanced approach to animal welfare for the wellbeing of animal and mankind.
Young veterinarian embarking on a bold quest to introduce small animal veterinary care in Malaysia
Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan’s dreams of becoming a vet was realised when he secured a place to study veterinary medicine in Pakistan, Lahore – University of Punjab.
In 1972, Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan saw a need to champion the care for pets i.e. dogs and cats as there was a growing need to educate pet owners of these animals as there was very little vet care services available at the time.
Thus, he embarked on a quest to engage on this path to support small animal medicine and left the public service and began a modest private practice to envision this challenge in Kuala Lumpur where he was determined to make the most of his career as a veterinarian, and to provide the best care for his patients.
Taking veterinary care to the next level
Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan went on to introduce the latest in veterinary care in the 80’s from diagnostic imaging to in-house laboratory services to provide better and accurate diagnosis to help treat or manage common ailments in pets.
In the 90’s, his practice became a bench mark in Small Animal veterinary medicine and was accredited by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Putra Malaysia (UPM), as the only private teaching hospital for veterinary students.
Through various appointments in government and non-government associations, Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan has devoted his time and effort to introduce Veterinary Continuation Education in Malaysia to help inspire other veterinarians; he also represented Malaysia whilst actively lecturing in the field of veterinary medicine, and animal welfare globally.
As a veterinarian and animal lover, Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan believes that pets are very similar to their pet owners; they need to be loved, appreciated and treated with respect. Hence with his current position as the Deputy Chairman of MNAWF, Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan endeavours to champion the cause of animal welfare with the birth of MNAWF.

Dato’ Dr. Mohd Nordin Bin Mohd Nor, Chairman of MNAWF
Dato’ Dr. Mohd Nordin Bin Mohd Nor – Chairman & respected Leader in the Malaysian Veterinary Industry
Upon graduation, Dato’ Dr Mohd Nordin joined the Department of Agriculture in Adelaide, South Australia as a veterinary officer from 1971 to 1972. He later joined the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) in Malaysia in 1972 where he started as a veterinary officer and retired as the Director General of DVS in 2002.
Throughout his careers as the Director General of the DVS from 1998, Dato’ Dr Nordin served in the states of Melaka, and Kedah, and the headquarters of the Veterinary Department. office. Among the notable achievements during his tenure as Director General was the success in controlling the Nipah virus outbreak that occurred in Malaysia among pig farms in 1998 -1999, which also involved infections in humans, causing the death of 250 people whom were associated with the Agriculture Industry.
Among the fields that sparked his interest was animal welfare. During his service he was instrumental in creating awareness about animal welfare not only within the animal industry but also among the general public, thru Agri Shows and Events such as MAHA. These events were pivotal in promoting animal welfare to create a caring Agri Industry & society as a whole . He was instrumental in developing the framework for the Animal Welfare Act which would be formalized years later .
In 1998, he partnered together with Datuk Dr Sivagurunathan to establish the Malaysia National Animal Welfare Foundation (MNAWF) a foundation to promote animal welfare awareness programs in our Malaysian society, by rolling our programs and public acitvites which he currently serves as the Chairman.

"One of the main aims of MNAWF is to of the policy towards the creation of a caring Malaysian society through joint projects and activities with the public agencies, Institutions, private bodies and organisation"
Due to urbanisation and affluence, pet ownership was on the rise as the issue of animal care and welfare needed to be addressed. The abuse and abandonment of animals were a growing problem and quick measures were needed. Hence, in 1997, Y.B. Datuk Amar Dr Sulaiman Bin Haji Daud, who was then the Minister of Agriculture, announced the formation of the Malaysian National Animal Welfare Council and Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation at the 25th Anniversary of Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan’s veterinary practice; at this event the book “Pets Have Feelings Too“ authored and published by Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan was launched with proceeds from sales of the book donated by him to the Animal Welfare Fund of the Veterinary Association of Malaysia. Later in 1998, MNAWF–founded by Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan – was established as the national body aimed at promoting animal welfare in Malaysia.
The main aim of the foundation was to generate awareness and responsibility of all residents in Malaysia on animal welfare as part of the policy towards the creation of a caring Malaysian society. The mission of MNAWF was to promote a caring society through creating awareness and a balanced approach to animal welfare for the well-being of animal and mankind.

On 5 December 1997 the Ministry of Agriculture, Y.B. Datuk Amar Dr Sulaiman Bin Haji Daud, announced the formation of the Malaysian National Animal Welfare Council and Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation at the 25th Anniversary of Animal Medical Centre Sdn Bhd. At this event, the book “ Pets Have Feelings Too “ authored by Datuk Dr. S Sivagurunathan, was launched with proceeds from sales of the book donated by him to the Animal Welfare Fund of the Veterinary Association of Malaysia.
Since its inception, MNAWF has been involved in several activities, outbreak, working with government bodies to host international speakers or experts to raise awareness on Animal Welfare in the last few years.
In 2003, the Foundation initiated an awareness program in schools with approval of the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. This ongoing program provides education on pet care and promotes human-animal interaction. This program serves to help children learn to appreciate and co-exist with animals from a young age and remove the fear of animals.
Among the foundations projects are:
- Public Doggy School - Obedience & Agility Training (CSC)
- The Miracle Of Animal Assisted - Therapy (AAT) - Disable
- Human-Animal Interaction Programmes
- Welfare Center
- Elderly
- Animal Welfare Advisory
Spay/Neuter Education and Program - Act of Kindness
- Webinars On RPO (Responsible Pet Ownership
- Member of Animal Welfare Consultative Committee with DVS
- ACE Programme for School/Colleagues and University
- Joint Education to promote RPO with Animal Welfare- MSAVA, MAVMA & DVS
- Animal Welfare Week with DVS
Giving back to the community by raising funds for flood relief program, shelter program and spay/neuter program

Flood relief program was a collaboration with Pets Corner Sdn Bhd, sole distributor of Hill’s Science Diet in Malaysia. Aim is to raise funds to aid animal shelters that are affected by flood situation

This program is a collaboration with Pets Corner Sdn Bhd, sole distributor of Hill’s Science Diet in Malaysia. Aim is to raise funds to aid animal shelters that are in need and also does active rehoming of pets.
Realising the need to provide canine obedience training and related activities, the MNAWF decided to set up a division called The MNAWF Canine Sportzclub. The Canine SportzClub was set up in 2009 to be of service to society by providing a conducive environment where dogs can receive training based on a balanced approach to animal welfare for the well being of animal and mankind” that would develop CANINE GOOD CITIZENS. The Canine SportzClub - which is an outdoor public Dog Obedience Training school, is an extension to Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan’s AAT program in the 90’s that was designed to nurture and develop the human animal bond, through socializing and harmonizing pets by their pet owners. Most importantly, pet owners are guided on ability to gain control over their dogs in public areas. This program is based on other successful programs which have been established internationally in the UK, US and Australia.




Human animal bonding – in the 90’s – animals playing an integral role for human & social development. At this point in time, Datuk Dr. Sivagurunathan efforts were recognised by the Department of Veterinary Services to embark on various activities to promote animal care and welfare in this country via involvement in governmental and non-governmental animal welfare activities and projects.
These projects include the introduction of pets into orphanages and welfare homes where they were keen to inculcate love within the home through caring for pets as a form of therapy, known as Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT), which was the first of its kind in South East Asia.
In the West, this form of care has been therapeutic to both participants, through developing the ‘human animal bond’. This program acts as a channel to rehabilitate both child as well as the pet through love and companionship.
The AAT program provides the welfare home/orphanage a guideline by our animal behaviourist to home the pets and to run small workshops on a weekly basis introducing the children to them. In return, the pets become socialised through various exercises and routines which we facilitate. In time to come, these children will become the custodians of the adopted pets. Such AAT programs have brought about remarkable changes in the children’s outlook, i.e. their personal development, where they take on the responsibility of the pet whole heartedly.
The Veterinary Association of Malaysia (VAM) took up the responsibility to raise funds in support of animal welfare and undertake community projects under its President, Datuk Dr. S. Sivagurunathan. A “Community & Cats” pilot pet adoption programme for Cheshire Home was jointly organised by the Association with the Department of Veterinary Services, Majlis Kebajikan Masyarakat, Feline Society of Malaysia and Hill’s Pet Nutrition Inc. USA.
A major project that the Foundation initiated with the support of the Ministry of Education, an animal welfare education program for schools. The objectives of this ongoing program was to promote human-animal interaction as part of child development, encourage a wider awareness of an respect for all living things and inculcate responsible and caring attitudes. Activities include teaching on pet care, human-animal interaction, art, drama and visits to zoos, animal parks and animal shelters, all designed to make the learning creative and enjoyable.

Social Responsibility
Spaying/Neutering campaign by Pejabat Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)

Congratulatory letter by the Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia towards MNAWF on its launch

Spay /Neuter Education Program

Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) program is specially designed by MNAWF to promote special activities to improve the quality of life of under privileged or disabled persons through animal association. This programme was designed to establish a bond between people and animal. One such programme is the Animal Assisted Therapy project with Ti-Ratana, which aimed to:

The main intention of the Animal Care Education (ACE) program is to build a community that is more informed and educated towards animal welfare and care. A community that would make a conscious effort to be more responsible pet owners and livestock related business owners.
A community that would pride in pet adoption from shelters rather than buying a pet from pet shops. A community that would practise animal conservation, regardless of species or believes and eventually, a community that would pursue a career in the veterinary sciences.

Since its inception in April 1998, the Foundation has been involved in various activities, among them, organising animal welfare weeks, human-animal interaction programs, public seminars on responsible pet ownership and canine behaviour training courses. It jointly participated in community events such as pet shows and spay/neuter campaigns with local animal welfare groups and government agencies. A major project that the Foundation initiated with the support of the Ministry of Education in 2002 was an animal welfare education program for schools. The objective of this ongoing program was to promote human-animal interaction as part of child development, encourage a wider awareness and respect for all living things and inculcate responsible and caring attitudes. Activities include teaching pet care, human-animal interaction, art, drama and visits to zoos, animal parks and animal shelters, all designed to make the learning creative and enjoyable.
The Foundation works closely with local government agencies, animal welfare associations and pet clubs. It will continue with its commitment and efforts to promote animal welfare in the country and provide support to various organisations in matters associated with animal welfare.
Cooperation with other organizations
National Member of the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organisations (IAHAIO), an association formed to promote research, education and sharing of information about human-animal interactions and the unique role that animals play in human well-being and quality of life. Members are from countries across the globe - Africa, Europe, America and Asia Pacific.

MNAWF is an on-going mission to promote a caring and compassionate Malaysian society through creating awareness and a balanced approach to animal welfare for the well-being of animal and mankind. The MNAWF aims to develop strategies and programmes to promote animal welfare through public agencies, institutions, private bodies and organisations and disseminate information on animal welfare through various media to the public, schools, community centers and other target groups. For 2012, MNAWF have had a collaboration with the HELP University to provide an outreach programme for the students in promoting animal welfare.


Launching of Dr Siva's book "Pets Have Feelings Too" attended by Y.B. Datum Amar Dr Sulaiman Bin Haji Daud, Minister of Agriculture